Friday, June 8, 2007

What's important to a four-year-old?

The things that come out of a four-year-old's mouth are unbelievable sometimes. So innocent. The thoughts, concerns, and needs of adults are just not there.

Last night, my son said something so cute. I've been telling people the story all day.

We were up in his room playing "treasure hunt" or "pirates" or some other game. He had taken two cardboard tubes -- the kind that wrapping paper comes on -- and placed them in an X formation to, of course, mark the spot.

He sent me out of the room. I had to come back in and find the X... and subsequently the treasure... so I looked around the room a little. "Is it here?? Nooo..... Here? Noooo.... THERE IT IS!" I told him I'd found the X!

He said we had to dig it up. I used my virtual shovel, and he used his little hands, doing a kind of dogpaddle at the pretend earth.

I said, "There is is! There's the treasure! Let's open it!"

So he opened the box. I said, "Wow! What a great treasure! There's gold! And diamonds!"

And he said, "Yeah! And chocolate cupcakes and stickers!"

Treasure indeed.